A blog about data, tools, and operating collaborative high performance cultures.
Metric trees are the final modeling step for data consumption
Arguing why the future of analytics is a metrics-first operating system
Exploring the 3 types of connections in modeling metric trees
Using concrete examples to illustrate the power of metric trees
Using a classic 2x2 framework to explore metric tree modeling
Diving into the unique challenges with modeling process grains.
Diving into the 3 types of grains that permeate business metrics.
Metric Trees could become a canonical framework like Kimball's
How metric trees can serve as an essential system of record.
Sharing a rich real-world example of a metric tree
How metric trees help translate across data and business domains
Exploring the power of metric equations with a simple example
Sharing a common "mixshift" analysis pattern for a key metric of interest
Metric trees model relationships between inputs and outputs
How metric trees enable root causing, save time and generate $$$
A proper introduction to metric trees with a real world example
Modeling segments in a business semantic graph
A followup post diving deeper into a business semantic graph example.
It's time we embraced stronger modeling in the modern data stack.