A blog about data, tools, and operating collaborative high performance cultures.
Formalizing the eternal debate on data-driven versus using judgement
Analytics needs a mix of scientific processes and engineering tools
The powerful loop is action yielding insights driving more action.
High vs low functioning data cultures and associated impact on data ROI
"Metrics bloat" is a common challenge to doing effective business reviews
Discussing what it means to be a truly data-driven culture
Diving into React, Explore and Plan - three analytical jobs-to-be-done
Taking a look at how analytics can power planning processes
Utilize metric trees to avoid the "too many/too few" debate.
The differences between reporting-first vs analytics-first cultures
Using metric trees and segments can level up business reviews
The different types of data transformations from raw to final
Fewer dashboards, more metric analytics please!
Analysts are our unsung heroes, and why we need to empower them
This post outlines key evolutionary steps for a strong analytics practice.
How the "report" is woefully inadequate for modern teams.