A blog about data, tools, and operating collaborative high performance cultures.
The powerful loop is action yielding insights driving more action.
Metric Trees could become a canonical framework like Kimball's
Looking at true organizational needs for a metrics layer solution
Examining the 4 "levels" at which business reviews are executed
High vs low functioning data cultures and associated impact on data ROI
How metric trees can serve as an essential system of record.
Exploring how to further empower the OG data folks, the finance team.
"Metrics bloat" is a common challenge to doing effective business reviews
Discussing what it means to be a truly data-driven culture
Diving into React, Explore and Plan - three analytical jobs-to-be-done
Could "metric graphs" enable data consumers?
Metrics or semantic layers can do much more than metrics governance.
Taking a look at how analytics can power planning processes
Data-as-a-Product mindset can transform the analytics function
Examining how dashboards only address one of many data needs.
Sharing a rich real-world example of a metric tree
Investigating a few drawbacks to Kimball's modeling approach
A look at the lasting power of Kimball's dimensional modeling approach
An examination of "metrics layers" two years in - after the early buzz
How metric trees help translate across data and business domains